
英超, 校园, and Core meal plans are valid through the last day of meal service in the semester of purchase. 刷卡用餐计划在整个学年有效, carry from semester I to semester II and are valid through the last day of meal service in May of the academic year in which the plan was purchased. 未使用的饭菜不予退还.

取消预订的最后一天, 变化, and refunds is the second Friday of the semester in which the meal plan was purchased. 膳食计划不可转让. 客人可以使用餐厅的客人通行证从您的用餐计划, 用刷卡用餐计划再刷一下身份证, 餐厅美元, 或者猫的藏身处. 持卡人必须在场. Guest passes and meal-to-go passes included with the purchase of 餐计划 if applicable are valid per semester only. Additional purchases of guest and Meal to Go passes carry over to semester II if unused, 并在五月的最后一日用餐服务时失效. 已购买的通行证恕不退款. 用餐不能兑换餐券.

UNH 餐厅 wants to make sure any student who is ill has access to a nutritious meal.

如果你感觉不舒服,去食堂吃饭, 请授权其他同学使用您的身份证为您取餐. A student authorized to pick up meals must have the sick student's UNH ID with them 以及他们自己的 用于安全验证.



问题? 请通过以下号码与我们联系: 

  • 菲尔布鲁克大厅(603)862-9331
  • Holloway Commons (603) 862-0710

教师 and staff meal plans can be purchased using payroll deduction or check. 这些计划的伙食从一个学期到另一个学期,每年都有变化. 未使用的餐点将全额退还. In the event of separation from the university, UNH can withhold refunds for meals not yet paid for. 膳食计划不可转让. 客人可以通过额外的身份证刷卡使用餐厅, 餐厅美元, 或者猫的藏身处. 持卡人必须在场.

任何人都可以购买餐券. 用餐美元可以在大多数UNH用餐场所使用, 包括联邦法院, Wildcatessen, Philbrook咖啡馆, 阿尔贝二世亲王的, 齐克的咖啡馆, UNH牛奶吧, 1926年基石和所有的食堂. 用餐币也可以在唐恩都乐使用, 大多数校园自动售货机, 网上和手机订单. 用餐费只在购买的学年有效. A balance will carry from fall semester to spring semester and is valid until the end of the meal service in May. 任何剩余的余额到期,将不予退还. 用餐美元编码在您的UNH照片身份证上.

餐饮服务: 餐厅 hall meal services begin on the official opening day and end on the last day of final examinations. 学校假期和部分节假日不提供膳食服务.

食堂供应的食物: Food served in the dining halls is available on an “all you care to eat” basis. Food can be taken out of the dining halls only through the “Green Box” take-out program. Violation of this policy can result in a $25 fine and/or loss of dining privileges.

食堂行为: 学生 are expected to conduct themselves in the dining halls in a manner conducive to quiet enjoyment of mealtimes by all. Cooperation with stated procedures such as the self-bussing of dishware is expected.

餐厅财产: 禁止移动食堂财物. Violators are subject to a fine and/or referral to the student conduct process. 在零售店,所有的食物都必须在消费前付款. 

服务的动物: 除了服务性动物, 任何食品服务都不允许使用动物, 用餐或准备区, 或者任何卖食物的商店. Service animals are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. 情感支持动物(ESA)不符合服务性动物的资格. 学生 with service animals in dining areas are responsible for their animal’s behavior, 包括对其他人和设施. 学生 with service animals that display aggressive behaviors or cause an undue burden to the residential community, 会被要求移走他们无法控制的动物吗.

袋子和容器: 除非有医学上的原因, 背包, 吊带包, 大钱包, 购物袋, and non-approved food or beverage containers are not permitted in the 餐厅 Halls.

Lost or 偷来的 cards must be suspended or reported immediately to the 餐厅 ID Office (603) 862-1821. 只有均衡膳食, 餐厅美元, 猫的缓存 and guest passes on the card at the time it is suspended can be protected. 不会发放临时卡. 换一个丢失的需要25美元, 偷来的, or damaged ID card; $15 to replace a lost, 无照片用餐卡被盗或损坏. 直到你的身份证被更换, 您将无法使用您的用餐美元余额, 餐传递, 猫的缓存或膳食计划. 你的学生证是绝对不可转让的. The owner of the ID card is responsible for its security and proper use and subject to a $25 fine for its unauthorized use.

退款 on meal plans after the second Friday of each semester will be granted only with management approval or withdrawal from the University. 如果得到批准, 总理, 校园 and Core meal plans will be refunded; weeks and partial weeks attended will be charged at the weekly rate. 未使用的餐费余额将被退还.

如果你没有使用你的外卖和可重复使用的外卖盒, nothing is allowed to be taken out of the dining hall with the exception of:

  • 一片完整的水果或
  • 一块饼干或布朗尼

你可以在离开餐厅时再续杯. 它必须包含在一个旅行杯/可重复使用的杯子,只有32盎司. 或更少.

所有其他水瓶,容器和任何超过32盎司的东西. 是不可接受的. 

Violation of this policy can result in a $25 fine and/or loss of dining privileges.

The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 政策 and Procedures Governing Food Trucks on 校园

澳门葡京网赌游戏 (UNH) Hospitality Services is the food service provider on the UNH campus. The registration and licensing process for food trucks on the university campus is administered through the Hospitality and 校园服务 (HCS) office.

UNH provides a process to allow food trucks to operate on the campus of the university for special events and purposes. Food trucks can be categorized into two categories: 年度美食车 and 活动专用餐车. 


年度美食车 pay the university for a reserved space on campus throughout the year. There are currently two 年度美食车 licensed to operate on the university campus, 这一数字目前被限制在两辆餐车内.


  • 供应商完成餐饮车供应商许可证-年度
  • 供应商每学期(秋季、春季、夏季)支付相应费用
  • 供应商提供以下文件的最新副本:
    • 州/地方食品服务许可证
    • 保险证明书
      • Names UNH as additional insured and a general liability insurance policy with a minimum limit of $1,000,000
    • 由达勒姆消防局进行的消防安全检查
  • 一旦许可证完成, 费用支付, 以上文件由HCS获取, the permit is sent to the UNH Police Department for issuance of their annual permit
  • 填妥的许可证申请及文件可送交: 乔纳森.moore1@speckythirdeye.com
  • 有关费用可邮寄至:
    • UNH酒店和校园服务
      主街75号,G11 Holloway公地

Event Specific Food trucks register with the university on an event specific basis. 活动专用餐车 are permitted to operate on campus after going through the permitting process. These Event Specific Foods Trucks need to be sponsored by a UNH organization, 参加一个特定的校园活动. These 活动专用餐车 need to go through the permitting process for each individual event. An individual event permit will need to be obtained for each event the food truck is on campus. All food truck vendors on campus need to follow the responsibilities and activity limitations which are put forth under the second page of the Permit application form.


  • 供应商完成户外活动供应商许可证
    • This needs to be filled out for each singular event the vendor intends to be on campus and there needs to be a sponsoring UNH organization
  • 卖方支付适用费用
  • 供应商提供以下文件的最新副本:
    • 州/地方食品服务许可证
    • 保险证明书
      • Names UNH as additional insured and a general liability insurance policy with a minimum limit of $1,000,000
    • 由达勒姆消防局进行的消防安全检查
  • 一旦许可证完成, 费用支付, 以上文件由HCS获取, the permit is sent to the UNH Police Department for issuance of their event permit
  • 为了使许可证得到及时的处理, completed permits and documentation should be sent to UNH HCS 10 days prior to event. 填妥的许可证申请及文件可送交: 乔纳森.moore1@speckythirdeye.com
  • 有关费用可邮寄至:
    • UNH酒店和校园服务
      主街75号,G11 Holloway公地